All jobs near Dunedin City in the Labouring/Services sector
- Dunedin
- $25- $35 p/h + Hol pay
- Posted over 1 year ago
Trade roles available in Dunedin. Tradestaff has branches throughout the country and we can secure you work when you arrive in any location. Tradestaff Dunedin has a wide variety of trade roles available on a casual or full-time basis. Jobs include Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Engineering (f...
- Dunedin
- Get paid to stay fit!
- Posted over 4 years ago
Summer is here and outdoor jobs are where its at! Do you want a job where you can learn some skills, keep fit and be out in the sun over Summer? Labouring for a scaffolding company could be just for you. Job requirements: No pre-existing injuries Fit and strong Experience working in physical, rep...
- Dunedin
- $24 - $28 per hour, Benefits: Great Pay, Up-skill!
- Posted over 4 years ago
At Tradestaff Dunedin we have jobs available for fit, reliable workers who have a good work ethic and can use their initiative. Preferably we are looking for workers who are available full-time for a minimum of 2 months. Do you want some casual work for some extra spending money? Constuction la...