Dunedin - Xander Seymour, Xander follows correct procedures to minimize health and safety incidents.
Queenstown - Daniel Batarte Barreto, The branch has had excellent feedback on Daniel following all Health and Safety protocol.
Wellington - Jared McDonald, Jared has a great attitude towards health and safety.
South Auckland - Simbarashe Tembo, Has a great work attitude and excellent communicator with anything concerning health and safety.
North Auckland - Harrison Kent, Harrison always follows reporting timelines
West Auckland - Toni Termonen, Continues to be health and safety conscious for himself and his team
We would like to congratulate the following candidates who answered August Safety Talk Question correctly
“If you injure yourself at work how soon should you tell someone from Tradestaff?” Answer: c. Straight away
Niklaus Schmutz – Christchurch
Sean Madigan – Northwest
Dave Hill - Hamilton
Awesome work team!
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almost 4 years ago by